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Hey there! We are Enfold and we make really beautiful and amazing stuff.
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Alleanza Quartz Launches Across the East Coast
Richmond, VA (April 1, 2021): In response to the growing demand for quartz surface options, EUROPEAN and MARVA, divisions of Trajus Surfaces and premier wholesale distributors of high-end natural stone materials, have answered the call. Beginning May 1st, 2021, MARVA will be responsible for exclusive distribution and sales of Alleanza Quartz (AQ) in the following areas: MD, […]
Bookmatching granite and marble
When you see marble and granite slabs that have been placed together so that the surfaces mirror each other that is called bookmatching. The view looks a lot like an open book and is often stunning and unique. When the particular stone is cut and polished the natural lines are matched up to create […]
How to care for your stone surfaces
One of the biggest misconceptions about stone features in the home is that they require no maintenance. Stone upkeep and maintenance is extremely vital to the looks and preservation of these countertops, backsplashes, floors, and other items that bring a significant return on investment – when cared for.
For most homeowners, it is the interior décor that really creates the character of the house and the identity of its owners. This being the case, as a homeowner, you will seek to find the best materials for your interior decoration purposes. One of the choices that you will definitely look out for is slabs […]
New England Product Announcement – Cambria & EUROPEAN
NEW ARRIVALS / Summer Trends
Ice-cream pastels, glittery golds, indigo blues and super zingy colour pops – these are all trends for this year